This page describes the most common issues that occur when transferring from the Intake table to Borrowers. To view more details about a problem, click on the issue header.
Has the correct import option been selected when attempting to transfer the records? There are two options to choose from when transferring; Automatic and Management ID. If this is the first year that Management ID has been selected then it is possible that transferring the records would cause a duplicate Borrower barcode number, therefore the import stops.
For instance, assume that there is a Borrower with barcode "006875", in the system. Within the Intake table, there is a pupil with Management ID "006875". When selecting Management ID to transfer the record in Intake, this would cause a duplicate barcode number so the transfer stops.
If this is the issue and you are required to use Management ID when transferring, please contact MLS support. Alternatively, you may wish to select Automatic instead.
There are two options to choose when transferring borrowers; Management ID and Automatic. When the wrong option has been selected, this can be resolved in one of two ways. The first option is to delete the borrowers that have been incorrectly transferred and re-import them from CSV, selecting the correct option to transfer them. Alternatively, you could restore from a backup before the CSV was imported.
Should you choose to restore a backup and you are using a system that is hosted by MLS, please click here to contact the MLS support team. If you are not using a system that is hosted by MLS, you will need to contact your internal technical support team.
If this page has helped you resolve the issue and the borrowers are now transferred correctly, click Continue to move onto the next phase. If you are still having problems, click Help.
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