Student Import

Stage 4 > Transferring Borrowers (Barcode Allocation)

At this step, you should be ready to transfer the new pupils into the Borrowers table. This process involves choosing a unique number to give to each student. To make this process easy, the system has two options to choose from; Automatic or Management ID. Each of these options are described in the table below.

     Tip: Usually, you will want to use the same transfer option that has been used in previous years to keep the Borrower barcodes consistent and to avoid possible errors.

Option Description
Automatic Selecting this option means that the system will automatically generate barcodes for each record when transferring them to borrowers. It is possible to specify the automatic barcode settings for borrowers that are used when transferring from Intake, as described here.
Management ID The Management ID is a unique number assigned to each pupil in the school management system such as SIMS.NET. When choosing Management ID, the application will set the borrower barcode to this number when they are transferred.

The best way to check what was used before is to sample a few records from the Borrowers table.

  • Open the Borrowers table from Management -> Database -> Borrowers
  • Edit a Borrower in the list to open their record card.
  • On the Advanced tab, check whether the Management ID is the same as the Barcode number.

In the example above, the Management ID matches the Barcode number so it appears that the Management ID transfer option has been used previously. In the event that they do not, it is likely that Automatic has been chosen.

When you are sure about the transfer option you are using, click Continue.
