As an alternative to flagging records using the mouse, you can also use a combination of CTRL and SHIFT on the keyboard to select multiple records. This feature can be used in most areas of Management and Circulate.
This topic demonstrates how to use CTRL and SHIFT in Management by selecting certain books from a large list. Although this example demonstrates this feature from the Resources table, it is available from most other areas.
·Click the Resources table on the left within Management. We have the following set of items
·Firstly, click a resource you wish to include in the selected items to highlight it
·Now hold CTRL on the keyboard and click on another resource
Notice how both resources are now highlighted
·You can continue to hold CTRL and click on other resources to select them
·If you select a resource by mistake, click the resource again (whilst still holding CTRL) to de-select it
·When you have selected these resources, you can click Show Flagged Only from the right menu in order to show only the selected resources on screen.
Using SHIFT allows you to select resources that are grouped together.
·Click the resource at the top of the group that you wish to select
·Hold SHIFT on the keyboard then click the resource at the bottom of the group of resources that you wish to select. Everything that is in-between will be selected
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