The details in this topic explain how to delete a tutor group from the library system. Note that when deleting a group, this automatically recycles the borrowers belonging to that group. This process also changes the name of the group to "Leaver year (old group group-name)" where year is the current year (e.g. 2013, 2014) and group-name is the name of the tutor group being deleted. In the example below, a group named 11Z is being deleted so the group that is moved to the recycle bin will then have the name "Leaver 2013 (Old Group 11Z)".
·First load the Tutor Groups database from the left menu in Management. Alternatively, select Database / Tutor Groups from the menu at the top of management.
·Locate the group that is to be removed from the list, in this instance, the tutor group 11Z is being removed. Once found, click on the row in the grid so that it is highlighted like in the example below.
·Click Remove from the records menu on the right.
·A prompt will display to confirm this operating, click Yes to continue and remove the group.
·The selected group will be moved to the tutor group recycled records section.
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