Ways to Add Borrowers



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Before a borrower can start using the application to ; Borrow , Log-on , Write Reviews , Make Reserve etc. they must be enrolled on to the system.There are several ways to add borrowers into the library system, each method is described below.



Automated Systems


MLS offer automated solutions that synchronise a list of current on-roll borrowers and keep them up to date. If a borrower changes their name or group, within 24 hours the library system is instantly updated with this new information. This also accounts for Leavers, borrowers who leave the school (and are removed from the Management System) are automatically purged to the recycle bin*.


If they are present, it is also possible to import Staff and borrower guardians into the library system automatically.


These automated solutions are offered in two forms:



NEW as of 2013, a site using BioStore integration with MLS can use ID Manager to synchronise and maintain a list of the on-roll students.

MLS Connect

For any sites not using BioStore integration with the library system already, MLS Connect can be installed to automatically import and update borrowers.




For more information about automatically importing data, contact MLS.






Importing through CSV


A quick way to add borrower/update existing data is by exporting a CSV file and importing this into the application. It is likely that at the organisation with the library, there will be a separate management information system maintaining a list of people (employees, students, visitors etc.) at the organisation. If it is possible to export to a CSV file from this management system then it is likely that this data can be used to import into the library system.


MLS have a dedicated mini-site devoted to the student import process. This contains instructions on how to perform all actions involved within a Student Import via CSV and MLS Connect. Click on the picture below to access this mini site, which will walk you through the entire process.





Manually Enrolling


The original method for adding borrowers and still used in some libraries, manually maintaining Tutor Groups and Borrowers is catered for and is often used in small libraries where there is no management system or where it is not possible to import data. For more information about how to add Tutor Groups and Borrowers manually, click here.




* This is only applicable to some management systems.


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