When adding Resources, Borrowers or Tutor Groups, you may find that a particular field is not available to add information. In such cases, Custom Fields can be created to store the this extra information.
·From the menu bar at the top of Management, click Settings / Fields...
·Click the Custom Fields tab.
·Select the table you wish to add a new field to (Borrowers, Resources or Tutor Groups) and click New. Alternatively, highlight a field and click Rename to change it to a name of choice. Custom fields can also be permanently deleted from the library system by selecting the desired field and clicking Delete.
Adding a new field
·When clicking New from the previous screen the Add Field box will open.
·Enter the name of the field you wish to create in the Field Name text box and select a Data Type from the combo box. Click Add to add the field and return to the previous window
·After a new Custom Field has been created, it can be accessed by view a Borrower, Resource or Tutor Group record card and is generally found on the respective Advanced tab. An example from the Resource record card is shown below for demonstration purposes.
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