Password Complexity



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Altering the settings on the Complexity tab allows you to have control over the password complexity for borrowers and built-in accounts. This means that when a borrower or user is changing their password they have to meet a certain level of complexity in order for that to be successful.


The settings are broken down into two separate sections; Borrower and User. The levels of complexity are the same (Weak, Strong, Complex) but can be different for Users and Borrowers.






The settings under Borrower apply to any borrowers that have been added into the Borrowers table. These are the users who log on to the front-end of the library system to reserve items, write book reviews, view their past loans etc.


The User settings apply to built-in accounts that have been created from User Manager. These accounts are not for borrowing resources and are only used for allowing access to Management.



The steps below demonstrate how to apply a password complexity.


·To set a specific complexity, first decide whether to set this for Borrower or User then tick the corresponding box if it is not checked already. In this example, the Borrower complexity is being changed but these steps can be applied to either type.




·Next, choose a complexity to assign. In this example, Strong (which is a minimum of 8 characters and 1 number) is being chosen.





Use the key to help decide what level of complexity to apply.



·Click OK when alterations have been made to save them.







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