Navigating a Record Card



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There can be lots of data input onto a resource record when cataloguing a book. The majority of these fields contain a 'Drop down menu' button  where the a list of current data in this field is populated. This list is generated based on the catalogue and is gradually increased when more resources are added. For example, clicking on the Classification field may show a list of all the current classifications like in the below picture. When more resources with different classifications are added they are automatically appended to the list. The same is true for most other fields on a record card.




In addition to dropping the box down and selecting from the list, you can also start typing something in the list and the app will try to intelligently locate has been typed. For example, typing in "001" into the classification box shows only classifications starting with "001":




Similarly, typing in a keyword on selects classifications with the associated keyword:




When selecting data in a field that contains a date (such as publication date and date added) the Calendar control  can be clicked to quickly select a date rather than typing it out in the full format (e.g. 11/01/2012).


Click this icon then click a date to have it automatically entered into the field.




The majority of data that display in the fields is pulled from the existing catalogue. If an entry does not display in the list then simply type it in to add it. The next time a resource is being catalogued that value will display in the drop down menu of the appropriate field. For instance, in the example below we cannot see an entry for "LRC" in the location field to select it.




To add the new location "LRC", simply type this into the Location drop down menu. Whilst that value remains in the field, it will display in the list for all other records.




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