Adding a Logo



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The steps in this topic explain how you can upload a logo to your system. For Eclipse users, this shows on the front page when the site is first accessed. The logo is also shown on reports and can be included within a label template.


To upload a logo to your system, you will need to have an image of the logo on your computer or network. To fill the logo pane and avoid the logo becoming pixelated, use a logo that is 600x300 (pixels) or an image that has an aspect ratio of 2:1.


·From the Settings menu at the top of the screen, click General...


·On the Logo tab, click the Upload button


·Select the image file that you wish to upload as the logo and click Open


·The logo should be automatically imported and shown in the middle window, like in the example image below




·Click OK to save these changes



Should you wish to remove the logo and revert back to the original one, click Delete.


Click OK to the General Settings box to save all changes.




You may need to close down the library page and re-open before the change takes effect.







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