You can also add items to a Project box from the main resources grid. To do this simply search for and then flag the items you would like to add and a new option Add to Project Box will appear over on the right.
Clicking this will open the below screen with details of the items to add and allowing you to select an existing Project Box.
NOTE: It is not possible to add items to a new Project Box. The Project Box has to be created first to add items from the main grid.
To add these items first click on Find. This will then display a list of all current Project Boxes in the system:
Select one and a summary is then displayed showing the Project Boxes’ current number of items, capacity and how many new items you have selected to add.
NOTE: Invalid items would list any items that cannot be added to a Project Box, such as virtual items.
If the number to be added exceeds the capacity it will ask if this should be increased:
Clicking Yes will then add the items to the Project Box.
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