It is possible to assign a colour code to a classification so that it displays in the management grid and also on the home page when borrowers are searching the catalogue.
The instructions in this topic explain how to add a colour code to a classification.
·Open the class colour code table as described here.
·Click New on the right menu.
·Choose a colour code by clicking on the Colour drop down menu.
·Enter a description for this colour code range.
·Choose a starting classification and enter this into the Start Class text box. For example, if the colour code is for the range 005-006.9, enter 005.
·Enter the end of the range into the End Class text box.
·Click Save to confirm the class colour code.
Notice that now when viewing the catalogue, any resources that fall into this range will display with the colour code as the background.
In addition to this displaying in the grid, the colour code will also display on a resource record card in the Colour space.
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