Transferring Borrowers



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It's essential to check in the Intake table that all records are new borrowers before transferring them. If a CSV file has been imported to update existing borrowers then these will not show in Intake after importing a CSV, the changes are immediate. If borrowers in the Intake table are already in the library system and these are transferred, this will cause duplication.


Therefore, it is imperative that this is checked and any records manually matched if necessary. Details on how to match records in the Intake table with their appropriate record in Borrowers is found in the topic matching records with existing borrowers.


This article assumes that only new borrowers are present in the Intake table. The steps below cover how to import these records to the Borrowers table.



·Open the Intake table from the Database menu at the top of Management.




·Click the Transfer icon on the right hand side from under the Records menu.




·A box will open to confirm how borrowers should be transferred. There are two options:





Selecting this option means that the system will automatically generate barcodes for each record when transferring them to borrowers. It is possible to specify the automatic barcode settings for borrowers that are used when transferring from Intake, see the appropriate topic here for details.

Management ID

The "Management ID" is a unique number assigned to each pupil in the school management system such as SIMS.NET. When choosing Management ID, the application will set the borrower barcode to this number when they are transferred.



·Once the selection has been confirmed, click Transfer and the records will be moved from Intake to Borrowers.




·The student import process should now be completed. Any records in the intake table have now been transferred to the Borrowers table and they are effectively enrolled on to the library system. They can now begin borrowing resources and using the application in its entirety.




What Next?


Normally the next step once the new borrowers are enrolled is to print library cards for them so they are able to borrow resources from the library.


·How to Print Reader Cards for Students








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