Viewing and Running Reports



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The instructions in this topic explain how to view and run reports against your library data. You can also view statistics using the Dashboard including reports across the community.


·To start,within Management click Modules / Reporting / Reports... from the top menu.




·The main Reports window will appear on-screen.




·Select the desired table from the left column, then click on a report from the main middle column. Details about the report are displayed once highlighted.





·Once the report has been chosen and highlighted, click Run. The report should be opened and displayed in your PDF viewer.



Some reports give you options to choose from before they are run. In some reports for example, you will be presented with a "Date Range", where you can choose two dates that the data in the report will be calculated from. If a date range is required, enter the dates into the respective boxes or leave it empty to base the report over all data.


Other examples include the option to choose a certain Resource Type to report on. Should you wish to enter a specific resource type, select this from the list or leave empty should you with to base the report on all resource types.



·After a short delay, the PDF Viewer will appear on-screen. Shown below is the Resources By Author report, as an example.




·Use the controls in your PDF viewer to print or save the document for later.





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