Using the Copy Function



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If there are several copies of a specific title to be catalogued, the Copy function can be used to quickly add each one which stops the need of having to manually catalogue each one. This function copies all of the details from the first 'master', title excluding the accession number, which must be defined for each copy.



Note that when using the Copy function, all resources will be linked together.




This feature is especially helpful when cataloguing text books.


The instructions below explain how to use Copy.


·From the resources screen, highlight the book which should be copied and then click the Copy icon under the Records menu on the right of the management page.




·Scan or type the barcode number that is to be assigned to the copy.


If using a barcode scanner, stick the barcode label onto the book cover and then scan it. Notice that the barcode number which was scanned shows in the Copies box. Using copy this way means that there is no need to press Copy with the mouse.


If using a mouse, type the barcode number of the book and click Copy or press Enter on the keyboard.




·Repeat the process until all of barcode numbers for the new copies are listed in the Copies field.


·Click Close when finished. The records are immediately added to Resources and are ready to put on the shelves.





The resource types that can be copied are: Books, Hardware, Film/DVD’s and Generic.




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