By default there are 3 security groups available, these are; Administrator, Librarian and Guest. Should you wish to append to this list, you can create a new security group using Group Manager. The steps in this topic explain how to do this.
·From the menu bar at the top of the management screen, click Security / Group Manager.
·To begin creating a new group, click New
·In the Description field, enter a name to assign to the new security group. In this example, Pupil Librarian has been entered because we are creating a new group with a level of access suitable for a pupil librarian
·The next step is to choose what permissions you would like to assign to the new group from the Options section. The settings under the Options area is split up into groups; Menus, Toolbars and Commands.
Menus : The settings under the menu tab generally show the areas that you can access by clicking the drop down menus at the top of Management. For instance, under Menu / Database, you will find Borrowers. This setting corresponds to the table of the same name. Should you wish to prevent access to the Borrowers table, first you must select it and then choose the appropriate level of access on the right hand side.
Toolbars : The options under the Toolbars menu allow you to select buttons and actions that are available throughout management. For instance, should you wish to allow a user access to Resource but not allow them to add resources, you could remove the ability to see the New button.
Select Toolbars / Records / New and then select Hidden from option on the right
Commands : Under the commands section you can choose to enable/disable actions that the group will be able to perform. The majority of these are aimed towards Circulate when using, though you can restrict other items such as the ability to access Circulate/Management and the ability to export.
For example, to prevent anyone in the group from access Stock Check, click the setting Can Access Stock Check and select No on the right menu.
·MLS recommend that you check each setting to ensure that the group is set up how you want it
·Once you have defined all settings, click OK to save and then click OK again
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