Manually Generating Individual Reminders



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The instructions below explain how to generate individual reminders manually.


·Open Current Loans from the management page.




·Next, ensure that showing in the list are the borrowers the reminders are to be generated for. For example, if reminders only for a set group are to be  generated this time then ensure that only these borrowers display on the screen. Normally this is achieved through Quick Search, Advanced Search or Flagging.


In this example, individual reminders are being generated for members of the "5JS" group who have one overdue loan each.




·Once the desired borrowers are selected on screen, click Reminders from the right tool bar.




·The reminder options box will display. First, select the type of reminders to generate from the Type drop down menu. (in this instance, individual reminders are used).




·Under the Records heading choose from one of the three options by clicking in the radio buttons. Choosing Process Selected Record means that a reminder for the record which was highlighted in the grid is generated. If Process Flagged Records is chosen then any records which have been flagged in the Current Loans table will have reminders generated. Lastly if Process All Records is selected, this means that all records in the grid are to have reminders generated. So in this example, if Process Flagged Records is chosen then only the flagged borrowers will have reminders generated.



·Under Options, select the options that are required in this run of reminders. A description of each option is found below.






Output Selected Reminder Only

Outputs a specific reminder. When checked, the select reminder window becomes active and the desired reminder to output can be chosen. For example, if outputting Reminder 1, tick this option and then click Reminder 1 to output that reminder. Reminder 1 will then be generated.


This technique can also be used to reset a borrowers reminder number or force them onto a particular number.


Re-print last reminder when limit reached

If a borrower is at their last reminder number, toggle this option to enable whether the last reminder is re-printed for them.


Create reminders for overdue items only

Enabling this option will ensure that reminders are generated only for borrowers who have overdue books.



·Next, under the Output Options heading, choose whether to output the reminders using their default method or force a specific one by un-checking this box and checking all applicable boxes. For example, to print a reminder that is normally set to email by default, un-check Use the reminders default output and tick Print. All reminders will then print on this run of reminders.



For details on changing the output, see the topic entitled Output, Orientation and the Recipient, here but note that when manually running reminders, all options selected override the defaults.



·Once all parameters have been chosen click the button labelled Generate to start creating the reminders. A progress bar will display before the reminders are output.




Note that if the "Email" output option was chosen or is the default then a message advising the "Reminders have been sent to their targets" will display. This is because as they are being emailed there is no PDF to generate.










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