Creating a News Item



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The instructions in this topic explain how to create a news item, that will show on the home page of your library system.


·Open the News table by clicking Database / News from the top menu.


·Click on the New  icon from the Records toolbox on the right side of the screen.





·Next, start entering the content for the news item. Begin by entering the Title and allocate the news item a Category by typing into the appropriate text boxes.




·Next, define the dates when the news item should start and when it should end. Click on the calendar icon to select a date or type one in.





The system will only show news items on the home page when the current date is between the start and end dates.



·Create the content of the review in the main text area. You can use the functions from the toolbar to change the colour, insert images and change the layout.




For information about the settings defined on the Available Tutor Groups tab, see the topic Targeted News Items.






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