Examples of Page Views



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This section shows some examples of creating and editing Page Views.


- Adding a column to a view

- Adding a Record Selection

- The most popular resources


Adding a column to a view


In this example the date an item was catalogued is added to the view so that this column displays when viewing the list of resources. This would be useful when wanting to see which items have been added on a particular day. The principal of adding a column as described below can be applied to any field.


·Start by creating a new view or editing an existing one to open the Page View editing interface.

·Under the Available Fields menu scroll down and select Date Added. This field is found under the Resource Item Heading.


·Click on this field so that it is highlighted and then press the right arrow button to move it under Display Fields.


·Notice that this field now moves under Display Fields


·Click Save at the bottom to make the changes permanent.


After selecting this view from the views box, it will then show the column in the display as shown below.


Adding a record selection

A record selection is effectively a stored search. This can be used for convenience and reduces the need of having to use Advanced Search in some circumstances. If a particular advanced search is commonly used then it may be more efficient to create a Page View rather than having to repeat the search each time.

In this example, we will add a record selection to a page view of that have been added in today.

·Start by creating a new page view or edit an existing one to get to the page view editing interface.

·Select the Record Selection tab.


·The area in the grey box shows any already configured applied searches. For example, the current Type Equal To Book means that this page view is set up to only display books. In this case it is necessary to append to this search, click Change.


·The Advanced Search box will open. Firstly the Boolean option is selected and in this example AND is selected because there is other criteria also to be included.


·Choose Date Added from the Field drop down menu.


·Under the Operator drop down, select Equal To


·In the Value field, type Today.


·Click Add or press Enter on the keyboard to add the criteria to the selection. Remember that the criteria will not be applied unless Add/Enter is clicked/pressed!


·This view is now set up to only show the Books that were catalogued today. Note that 'today' is substituted for the current date each time the view is selected.

The most popular resources

This example demonstrates how to create a page view to show the times issued column and sort it in descending order, therefore showing the resources issued the most times at the top.

·Firstly, start by creating a new page view or editing an existing one from within the Resources table. If creating a new one, it is recommended that the page is named "The most frequently borrowed resources" or something similar for easy reference.

·Open the Page View editing window and select the Layout tab.

·From under the Available Fields menu, select the Times Issued field and add this to the Display Fields using the arrows.

Note that there are two Times Issued fields. The Times Issued from Resource Master shows the total times issued for that ISBN including other copies of the title. The Times Issued from Resource Item shows the total of that item.


·Click on the Record Selection tab.


·Click Change at the bottom in the Sort Order area to modify the sort order of the view.


·Select the appropriate field (in this case Times Issued) and move this to the Selected Fields using the right arrow.


·Notice that the field name now shows Ascending in brackets. Click the Ascending / Descending button to alter this to show Descending.


·Click OK to save the Sort Order and Save again to save the Page View.

Now when this view is selected the Times Issued column will display sorted in descending order, showing the resources that have been issued the most times at the top of the list.


Books of a particular AR Level

The instructions below explain how to create a page view to look for resources of a particular AR Level. This is helpful in scenarios where you would like to several page views of predefined levels on the home page of your system. In this example, we are creating a view to show resources with a level between 4.0 and 4.9.

·Start by creating a new view or editing an existing one to open the Page View editing interface.

·Select the Record Selection tab

·Click Change... under the Default Search heading


·In the Field box, select AR Book Level, in operator, choose Greater Than and type the starting level (in this example, we want anything from 4.0 and above so 3.9 is entered). Click add to append the criteria to the search.

In the current state, the page view would select any book where the AR level is above 3.9. As we want to select books between 4.0 and 4.9, we need to add another criteria to the search.


·Select And under the Boolean heading, choose AR Book Level under the Field heading, LessThan under Operator and then enter 5.0 in the Value box. Click Add to append the criteria to the search as shown below.


·Click Apply to save the record selection.

·Next, back on the Page View editing window select OPAC under the Category menu.

Changing the Category to General makes the page view available on the home page as shown in the examples below.








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