Once sites have been configured, they can be accessed by specifying the site name in the URL of the site. For instance, if the library site is https://u654321.microlibrarian.net, simply append /?site=sitename to the end of it. To load a site that was labelled Junior then add /?site=junior:
In addition to loading all resources that are allocated to that site, the system will also load the specified interface associated with the site name. For example, if the site Junior was allocated to the Classic interface then when it is appended to the URL like in the example above, the classic interface will open showing all resources that have been allocated to the Junior site.
There are of course advantages and disadvantages of using the above implementation. This works well in environments where the library system is always accessed from a hyperlink on a website (e.g. a school website) or is available from the 'Library page' on your VLE or Intranet. It does not work so well when students are required to remember the URL. To cater for such circumstances, a Landing Page can be enabled.
In addition to using a URL or landing page, the borrowers can also be set with a specific interface on their own record card and can also be set on each tutor group. Note that this method relies on the borrower being linked to Active Directory.
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