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The Advanced tab stores additional details for each borrower such as their Logon Name & Password, Management System ID, any user defined custom fields and more. This article describes each of the fields on the Advanced tab.


This topic is split into 5 sections, one representing each section; Security, Restrictions, Other Information, Custom Fields and Application Interface.




Contained within the Security section is the borrowers Logon Name, PIN, and the Security Group.


A unique logon name can be entered into the Logon Name text box. To link a borrower to Active Directory does require configuration beforehand, see more information about configuring AD integration here. Click Change Password... to either change or assign the borrower a password.



It is possible to globally assign a unique non-AD Logon Name and Password for each borrower in the system, see the topic Global Update for more information.




The PIN is only used for SIP2 and normally is very rarely used. To allocate a borrower a random PIN, click Random.



Note that the PIN field is not used for a borrower to log on to iMLS or to the home page, this is what the logon name and password is for. If you are using SIP2 and require more information about this please get in touch.







Finally, the Security Group drop down menu displays all the present security groups, select a security group from the drop down menu to allocate one. For example, it may be desirable to set one particular borrower as a "Library Helper", in which case select the appropriate group from this drop down menu. Another example of this is if teachers need to be given access to Management. By default, each user that is added is put into a Guest security group, however in our example a custom Student group has been  created.





The restrictions menu shows the current restriction group that a borrower is assigned to. By default, the default specified in the respective Tutor Group is selected. However, if you wish to select a specific group for this borrower, for instance, when this user is allowed to borrow more items than others then select the appropriate group from this menu.



To ban a borrower from borrowing any books in the library and from logging on, click Banned.




Other Information


The other information area holds the borrower Management ID, RFID and Site Name. These fields are optional but it is recommended to enter the correct Management System ID of a borrower.


The Management ID is a unique identifier which is allocated to the student from the management system used in your organisation for instance, SIMS.NET. The field referenced in this system may not be labelled Management ID however, it may be called Student Reference or Pupil Number and various other names. Check with the person responsible for managing the Management System for more information. This field is particularly important, it is used to match borrowers via CSV and when using MLS Connect.




The RFID field is for storing the RFID string associated with a borrower if this implementation is being used in the organisation. Type the correct RFID number for the borrower into the text box or scan the RFID card to add it. To Erase any text in this field, click Erase...


The Site Name drop down menu allows the borrower to be assigned to a designated site if a multi-site license is being used.



Custom Fields


The custom fields section shows any user-defined custom fields for a borrower record. The system offers the ability to define custom fields which can be anything that is not present on the details tab.



For more information about setting up Custom Fields for borrowers, see the topic entitled Defining Custom Fields.



Application Interface


The application interface section is where the application interface for a borrower can be defined. This is only applicable if more than one interface is being used such as "Junior Librarian CLASSIC" and "Eclipse.Net". If multiple interfaces are present then they can manually defined at the borrower level by clicking Custom and then defining the interface in the drop down menus as necessary.



If Default is left selected then the interface defined at the Tutor Group level will be used.



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