Details Tab



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This topic explains how to use everything on the Details tab of a tutor group record card. For details about how to use the settings on the other tabs, click on the links below.


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Tutor Group Fields and Options


The settings referred to as Tutor Group fields and Options are shown below:




A description of each setting is shown in the table below.






Group Name 

This field represents the name of the tutor group and can accept  mixture of numbers, letters and other characters.



Year Group

The field entered into this field is the year of the tutor group. If the group is a vertical tutor group then this box will not be editable.



Form Tutor

Clicking the Find... button allows the form tutor of the tutor group to be selected (if they are added into the borrowers table). Alternatively, type the name of the tutor into the text box.




This field holds the email address of the tutor or an email address designated for the specified tutor group. This is the email address used when group reminders are being sent to the tutor , if this is greyed out when editing click here .




The restrictions combo box allows the default tutor group restrictions to be selected. When a borrower is added that is assigned to this tutor group that borrower will automatically be assigned this restriction group. Note that changing the restrictions at the tutor group level will change the restriction group for all belonging borrowers unless the borrowers have been manually assigned a different restriction group.



Site Name

The site name combo box is to select the site that the tutor group belongs to. This is only relevant if sites are being used. If they are not then this box will be empty.



Fines Active

The fines active check box can determine whether fines should be activated for the belonging borrowers. If this box is left unchecked then fines will not be calculated for the borrowers in this tutor group.



Exclude all Borrowers from Reports

 In some cases it may not be appropriate to have a group displayed on a report. For example, when reporting on the numbers of books borrowed in an academic year, it may be desirable for certain groups to be excluded, a 'Staff' group for instance. This check box can be used to toggle this on or off.


Custom Fields


Any custom fields that have been set up in the application for the tutor groups table will display here. Custom fields are fields that can be defined by the user and are used when there are additional fields required that are not present on the Tutor Group RC already.


For more information about configuring custom fields see the section entitled Defining Custom Fields.



Application Interface Settings


The settings under the application interface section are only applicable if your license includes a multi-interface license i.e. Junior Librarian and Eclipse. This allows the interface to be customised at the group level. For example, if it's required to allocate an entire group a different home page style (one that is different from the default) then this can be done from this section.


To allocate a different home page style to a group, click Custom then select the styles and default application from the appropriate drop down menus.



If the Default radio button is selected then the site settings from the interface tab (Settings / General / Interface) are applied.



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