Global Update



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The options on the Global Update tab can be used as a quick and easy way to update borrower Usernames and/or passwords, simultaneously. A borrower is assigned a logon name and password so that they are able to each log onto the welcome page or into iMLS. Assigning a username and password to each student is highly recommended as this allows them to review books, reserve ones they would like to read and generally encourages them to use the system.


The steps below demonstrate how to allocate a logon name and password to borrowers.


·Open Password Manager as described in this topic and click the Global Update tab.


·Start by selecting the Tutor Groups to update from under the Tutor Groups list. Note that only groups that are selected will be updated. For example, if the group 4H1 is the only group selected/highlighted then only borrowers of 4H1 will have their username/password updated.





Hold CTRL on the keyboard and click each group to select more than one at a time!



·In this example, groups 4H1 and 4H2 are being updated.




·Next, click the Logon Name drop down box and choose a username to allocate to the borrowers.




The table below defines the available options.


Logon Name




Borrower Barcode

Selecting borrower barcode will assign the borrowers barcode as their logon name. So for instance, if a user has the number 49930 as their barcode number (which can be viewed from a borrower record card or the borrowers table) this will set "49930" as their logon name.

Borrower e-mail

This option will allocate each user their email address as their logon name. Note that this depends on the email address being entered into their record beforehand. The most common ways to do this is by using a CSV file or Active Directory.

Current Logon

When selecting Current Logon, this retains the logon that may already be on a borrower record. This is normally used when allocating everyone a new password or when using Active Directory linking to retain their current logon name but allocate them a password.




If allocating the borrower barcode as their logon name, it may help printing reader cards for them too.




·After choosing a Logon Name, choose how to allocate a password under the password section.




The are 4 different password options to select from, Custom Password, Date of Birth, Barcode and postcode. The chosen option will update each borrowers password with this value. For example, if a borrower date of birth was set to 09/12/1999 then their password would become 09121999. For this to work successfully, it is really important that this data is correct on a borrower record. For instance, if a Borrower date of birth is wrong in the library system, the password will be set to this wrong value, which may cause "incorrect password" when a user logs in.



Note that the Date of Birth, Barcode and Postcode do not obey the password complexity requirements.



A custom password does obey the password complexity requirements. To assign a custom password click the Add Password button and then type in the password to assign.



·Click OK and the settings will be applied to the borrowers in the selected Tutor Groups.



Once a username and password is assigned to a borrower, they can then log in to the home page and iMLS to access their account.






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