What are Periodicals / Overview



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A Periodical is a published work that appears in a new edition (most commonly a magazine or newspaper) on a regular schedule such as every week or quarter. Periodicals are classified in two ways; popular and scholarly. Popular periodicals are magazines and newspapers such as EMPIRE or Digital Photo, whereas scholarly periodicals are more likely to be resources that are catalogued on the system. The library system does not differentiate between scholarly and popular periodicals but this can be done if needed by storing the information in another field.


You can also add academic journals to the library application and classify these under the special 'Journal' resource type. Journals are catalogued in the same way as any other periodical only 'Journal' is selected from the new resource screen instead.



Although the majority of content in these topics refer to "Periodicals", you can also use the same steps to catalogue "Journals", by substituting it where applicable.



For more details about cataloguing Periodicals including a full example, see the topic Getting Started with Periodicals.




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