Getting Started with Periodicals



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Periodicals and Journals are catalogued in a slightly different way to other resources in Eclipse and Junior. When cataloguing a book for instance, you normally scan the barcode of the resource, scan the ISBN and then proceed to cataloguing the resource by entering other bibliographic information. Because Periodicals are resources published on a frequent basis and as they mostly contain the same information as far as the library system goes, there would be a lot of repetition involved.


Normally, the only data that changes between periodical issues is the issue number and volume number. As a result, before creating a Periodical Issue you first create the main Periodical, which can be thought of as a template for any issues under that respective edition. Once the main Periodical is created you can create issues based on that Periodical, with different Issue and Volume numbers so they can be distinguished from each other. For more information, see the topics Periodical template or Periodical Issue.


The remaining part of this topic shows a full example of cataloguing a Periodical and 4 issues. The below steps demonstrate cataloguing a magazine published 4 times a year in September, November, February and April, called Biological Sciences Review. Note that we are entering the resource as a "Periodical". If you need to catalogue a Journal then the steps are exactly the same apart from selecting the "Journal" icon.


Example, Step 1:  Adding a Periodical


As mentioned in the introduction of this topic, the first thing to do when you have a new edition is to catalogue the periodical template.


·Click Add to begin cataloguing a resource in Management then choose Periodical.




·Click the Periodical radial button (1) and all boxes apart from EAN/ISBN and ISSN will be greyed out. This is because the barcode number, issue number and Volume number are not applicable in this context (remember that the template is catalogued first). The title is currently greyed out but this will be entered shortly.




·Enter the EAN/ISBN of the Periodical (2). Notice that when you do this, the ISSN field will be automatically populated and then load the record card.




·Enter any details as required on the catalogue record then click Save when you are done.





Example, Step 2:  Adding Periodical Issues


The next step is to add any Periodical Issues based on the Periodical template that was created above. This can be done in two ways but only one is described here. For more information on cataloguing periodical issues see the topic Cataloguing Periodical Issues.


·Back on the cataloguing screen, select Periodical Issue and enter the barcode number. In this example, a barcode with the value 696 has been stuck onto the resource so this is scanned into the barcode box.


·Next to the Periodical Title field, click the Find button then search Biological Sciences Review as this is the edition that is being catalogued.




Select the edition from the list and click Select.


·Notice that this automatically fills in the Title, ISBN and ISSN fields. In this example, volume 25 issue 1 is being catalogued so that is entered into the Volume and Issue boxes respectively.




·Click Continue to launch the record card.




Notice that many of the details on the catalogue record have been entered automatically. This is because they are pulled from the Periodical template. There is a distinct difference though; the title of the Periodical Issue always includes the volume number and issue number. Because Volume 25, Issue 1 has been catalogued, the full Title reads "Biological Sciences Review - Volume 25 Issue 0001".


·Click Save after making any changes.


Step 2 of this process was repeated another 3 times and the following resources were catalogued:



They can now also be found on the student home page . For more information on searching for Periodicals see the topic Searching for Periodicals.





That concludes this topic on Periodicals. For more information navigate the menu on the left or use the links below.


- Searching for Periodicals


- Cataloguing Periodical Issues


- Periodical Issues and Periodical Template


- Journals and Journal Issues






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