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From the General Settings window, you can change settings that affect many areas of the system such as the Interface, Logo, Quick Search and more.





Adding a logo can be done from the Logo tab. For full instructions on how to do this, see the topic Adding a Logo.






From the interface tab you can change the default interface, along with the management theme. Note that some of the options here may vary depending on your license.


Select your default product from the Default Application menu. The available options shown here will include and Junior


From the Home Page Style drop down menu (should you have a license for Eclipse), choose the home page style you wish to show when the application is opened in your web browser. Should you be using a Reading Cloud interface, choose Reading Cloud - Eclipse or Eclipse FE if you re using the Further Education interface.


In the Home Page Style box, select the interface of Junior Librarian you would like showing (should you have a license) when the product is opened in your web browser.


In the Management Theme combo box, you can select the icon set you wish to use in Management. Changing the management theme will alter the icons that show all around the application.






On the Settings tab you can change settings related to many aspects of your system. Each setting is described below:


·Date Format

Change this option if you wish to show any date/time fields in a different format. For example, you may wish to remove the time element, and choose DD/MM/YY or include the long year format DD/MM/YYYY.


·Local Time

Choose your time zone from this combo box.


·SMTP e-mail Address

Enter the email address that you wish to be in the FROM field when sending email reminders. We recommend that you set this to [email protected] if you are using a system hosted by MLS and should you not be relaying email through an external SMTP server (see SMTP e-mail Host Name for more details).


·SMTP e-mail Host Name

You can enter an SMTP server hostname/ip address into this field to relay email through an email server either on the  internet or on your internal network (when you are not using a system hosted by MLS). The text in this field should be entered in the format server:port.


·SMTP Host Username

Should you be relaying email to an SMTP server, you may need to provide credentials. Enter a username into this field.


·SMTP Host Password

Enter the password that goes with the accompanying username


·SMTP Disable Base64 In-line Encoding

You can check this option to disable encoding of images in base64 when sending email reminders. This can be useful in situations where an email client does not support base64 encoded images (it may show as a red cross in it's place or simply a long string).


·Show Notes before Issue or Return

If this option is checked, any notes that are set to show on issue/return will show before the item issued. If you do not check this option, the note will show after the item has been issued.


·Show Dashboard when application Loads

By default, each time you open the Management console, the Dashboard opens. To prevent this from happening, you can un-check this setting.


·Allow Sound on Error

When an error occurs, a the computer will make a sound. To stop this behaviour from happening you can disable this option.


·Show Language Editor Icon

When this option is enabled, you will see an additional icon in all windows, allowing you to edit the language/translation of that window.


·Hide System view in OPAC

Disabling this setting will prevent a set of the built-in views from showing on the home page of the library system, from the views area.


·Disable System News/Tips page

If you disable this option, any news notifications from MLS will not be shown when you open the management console.



Junior Librarian Settings

Should you have a Junior Librarian license (or an Eclipse and Junior license) you will have additional settings shown at the bottom of the settings window.


·Allow Keyboard Input

Disabling this option prevents the user from using the keyboard in Circulate.


·Allow Printing

Disabling this option prevents the user from printing on the home page.


·Enable Auto Returns

Enabling Auto Returns means that the resources will be returned without a prompt asking if the resource should be returned.


·Allow a User to Undo a Mistake

Enabling this option gives the user the option to "undo" a transaction (issue/return) when using Circulate.


·Multi Issue/Return Password

You can set a password that is required when you access multi-return or multi-issue from the front page. This is useful when you only want certain users to be able to access this facility.


·Clear Circulate Messages After

Enter the number (in seconds) that the confirmation prompt should show for when issuing/returning a book.


·Allow Junior Reservation Printing

When enabled, if a user returns a book that is reserved by someone else, a prompt for a reservation slip is received by the end user.





Quick Search



The quick search settings are explained in depth in the topic Quick Search Settings.



Site Interfaces



Site interfaces are described in the Site Interfaces section, in the Site Interfaces section.





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