Catalogue Enrichment



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The Catalogue Enrichment task settings allow you to define whether OverDrive resources, Behind the Bookshelf videos, Hambase file and Weblinks are imported. Using the scheduler, these tasks can be automated so that they are always up-to-date.


·Open the Scheduler Interface and click the settings icon on the Catalogue Enrichment row:




·The Catalogue Enrichment settings box will open with 4 options; Import OverDrive resources, Import 'Behind the book shelf', 'Hambase' and Import WebLinks.




·Tick each of the options that you wish to use. For example, to download the Behind the Bookshelf videos into the system, tick the Import 'Behind the book shelf' box and click OK.



The configured settings will take effect next time the task runs and this can be configured to run on a regular basis.  To force the task to run through, return to the scheduler interface and click the Run Now icon on the Catalogue Enrichment row.






There is also a video showing how to schedule tasks in the Video Tutorials section. Be sure to check this out for a visual demonstration.






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