All tasks can be scheduled from a central location known as the 'Scheduler interface'. This topic explains how to open this interface and discusses the generic options for configuring a scheduled task. Note that many tasks have different configuration options. There are links at the bottom of this topic that explain each of the configurable options.
·Firstly, start by clicking Schedule from the right menu or click Tools / Schedule... from the top menu.
The scheduler interface will open.
·To Schedule a task, click on the Clock icon next to the task you wish to change. For instance, clicking on the clock icon next to the AR Quiz List shows the following box.
·Enter the settings including the Start Date, Start Time, Frequency and then click OK to save the changes.
·Back on the Schedule window, you can click the green arrow to start running the task through immediately but it is advisable to check the settings of the task first to prevent any undesired results, as many tasks have different configurable options. Topics have been created for each task that discuss the configurable options. Click on the links below for details about each one and their respective settings.
Scheduler Configuration Options
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