Cataloguing Periodical Articles



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This topic explains how to catalogue Articles. Periodical Articles cannot be catalogued independently, they must be attached to a particular issue. If you are following the steps in this topic, ensure that you have catalogued at least one Periodical Issue.


Although the steps in this topic refer to "Periodicals", the content in this topic also applies to cataloguing Journal Articles. Doing so is exactly the same although you need to select / choose Journal instead of Periodical where applicable.


There are two ways to catalogue a Periodical article. The first way is done by using the new resource window, whereas the second method can be done from the appropriate periodical issue directly.



Method 1: Using the New Resource Window


This is more of a traditional way to catalogue a resource and involves using the new resource window.


·In Management within the Resources section, click New and select Periodical from the cataloguing screen.




·On the cataloguing screen, select Periodical Article.




·Next to the Periodical Title field, click the Find button. Select the Periodical Issue that you wish to attach the article to. In this example, the article is being catalogued is present in Biological Sciences Review Vol 25, Issue 2 so this is selected.




·Notice that this automatically fills in the Title, ISBN, ISSN, Issue Number and Volume Number fields. In addition, notice that the barcode field is also unavailable. This is because an article is not a physical resource, like the Issue.




·Click Continue to launch the record card.




Notice that some of the details on the catalogue record have been entered automatically, due to them being pulled from the parent record (the Issue). The details on the Article record card are also noticeably different from the Issue record card. The fields on this record card should be used to describe the content of the Article, using the Title, Index (so the reader knows where in the Issue to find it), Author and summary fields.


·Click Save after making any changes.



Method 2: Using Existing Periodical Articles


The second method of cataloguing periodical articles involves using the Periodical Issue that you wish to attach the article to. Using the Issue window to catalogue Articles is often quicker than the first method due to this all being done through one area.


·Locate the Periodical Issue that you wish to attach an article to in Management and Edit the record to view the record card.


·Click the Articles tab.




·This tab shows any Periodical Articles that have been attached to the Periodical Issue. If none have been created and attached then this area will be empty, as depicted in the image below.




·To begin adding a Periodical Article, click the Add button. This will load a Periodical Article window, where the details of the article can be entered.




·Click Save to return to the Periodical Issue window. Add any further Periodical Articles as required and click Save.





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