Changes can be made to many of the fields in a given resource record card (e.g. Location, Publisher, Class) globally by using quick replace. This topic explains how to change data, for information on deleting data from a field, see the topic deleting data.
The steps below explain how to update data in a field globally. In this example, the Location of the entire catalogue is going to be altered, however, in some cases it may only be necessary to alter a particular section or selection of records. If so, ensure that the data to be altered is shown on the screen before performing a Quick Replace. This is normally done by using Quick Search, Advanced Search or Flagging.
·Select the appropriate table (either Borrowers or Resources) from the left of the management page. In this example, Resources has been selected as alterations to the resources are being made.
·Open Quick Replace from Tools / Quick Replace at the top of the page.
·The Quick Replace box will appear.
·Firstly, select the field that modifications are going to be made to from the Field drop down menu. In this case, changes are being made to the Location field therefore this is being selected.
·Select either All Records or Filtered Records from the radio buttons. In this example All Records has been selected because the entire catalogue is being updated. However, a description of both options is included below.
·Click on the data that is being updated. In this example, the word Library is being replaced with LRC, therefore Library is clicked. The row will become highlighted to indicate that it is selected.
Notice that the word that was clicked is now put into the Look For box as shown above.
·Next, type in the word that the data in the look for box is to be replaced with. In this example, Library is being replaced with LRC, therefore LRC is typed in.
·Click Replace to carry out the quick replace.
·The main quick replace box will refresh and show the new value. Notice how it now lists LRC in place of Library.
·Close Quick Replace when all alterations have been made.
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