In lots of cases it is desirable to further customise restrictions for your Borrowers. Defining the settings in the Borrower Restriction Group allows you to set the default loan period allowance and Reservation limit but you may want to create rules that apply settings differently based on the type of resource being issued. For instance, you may wish to set the total number of resources a Borrower can issue to 3 resources but of those 3, only allow 1 film at any one time. This can be accomplished by defining a rule.
These rules take effect when a resource meets a certain criteria. For example, Borrowers of this group may be able to borrow for 125 days (as defined in the Borrower Restriction Group) but you may want to adjust the loan period for text books, making the loan period longer. You can do this by creating a rule.
·To create a restriction rule, click Add
·Select the criteria of the resource you wish to select and apply the allowance, reservation and loan period to. For example, should you wish to restrict only resources of type Text Book, choose only that from the Resource Type drop down. However, if you wish to restrict Text Book's within a particular location, choose Text Book from the resource type menu and select the location to apply the rule to.
Any rules you apply here will take precedence over the borrower restrictions for the matched resource. As an example, assume that the default borrower loan period is 125 days and there is a rule set up to apply a 360 day loan period for any Text Book. Should a text book be issued to a borrower belonging to this restriction group, the the loan period will be 360 days. If a normal book is issued (where there is no rule configured) the loan period will be 125 days.
Similarly to adjusting the loan period, it is common to use 'rules' to configure different different allowances per Restriction Group.
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