Similarly to Resource Type Restrictions, you can set up restriction groups for your borrowers which allows you to have different restrictions per Tutor Group or individual. Tweaking the settings of the restriction group is useful when you wish to adjust the amount of resources a particular borrower (or Tutor Group) can have out at any one time. This also allows you to add an extra layer of control over how your resources are issued. For example, you could create a borrower restriction group to only allow resources within a certain location to be issued to the nominated tutor groups/borrowers.
Every borrower in the system is assigned a restriction group when they are added to the system. Should this not be manually chosen when the Borrower is added, their restriction group will be inherited from the tutor group. However, you can change this at any time should you need to.
The steps in this topic explain how to create a new Borrower Restriction Group.
·In Management, click Settings / Restrictions... then click on the Borrowers tab
·Click New to begin creating a new restriction group
·In the box that opens, start entering the settings for this new group, ensuring you enter a description so you know how to refer back to this later. In this example, we are creating a group for "staff", that allows an extra lending period and allows the users to borrow more items than the regular group
Enter the settings that you wish to set as the default for that group. In addition to the allowance, reservations and loan period, you can optionally configure additional rules, that take effect when a resource meets a certain criteria.
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