Quick Replace - Overview



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Quick Replace is used as a method of globally updating or deleting data contained within the library system. It can be more efficient to use Quick Replace to remove/update all instances of something rather than doing so on each record individually. Quick Replace can be used to tidy up data, although it has a distinctly different use to Data Tidy. Quick Replace should be considered when wanting to make a one off change or deletion of data in a field, whereas data tidy defines the rules for keeping data consistent.



As an example of using Quick Replace, the location field may need to be changed from Library to Library Resource Centre or LRC on all resources. Altering all records one by one in the catalogue would be a daunting task in the smallest library but by using quick replace this can be achieved with a few clicks.


Although Quick Replace is most commonly used in Resources, it is also available in Borrowers.



For more information on using quick replace, see the links below or click on the links on the left menu:


·Updating Data...

·Merging and Deleting Data through Quick Replace...

·Using Quick Search in Quick Replace...








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