This topic explains the settings shown on the General tab of the Restrictions settings window. For details about the options on the other tabs click on the links below.
The first setting is Allow reference resources to be issued. If this setting is not checked then any resources that have been marked as 'Reference' cannot be issued. The Reference check box is found on the details tab of a resource record at the bottom.
Next is the Remove closed days from days overdue setting. If checked, this setting will prevent the total number of days overdue for a loan from increasing, where the library was closed on the calendar. For example, in a library that has the weekends marked as closed, assume that a book is 1 day overdue on a Friday. If this setting was checked then on the Monday the book would only be 2 days overdue as the weekends are being excluded. If this box was un-checked then the book would be 4 days overdue as it includes the closed days in the calculation.
The Apply Age Restrictions check box can be used to enforce or prevent the system from applying age restrictions. The minimum age restrictions for a resource can be set on the advanced tab of a resource record. The setting Age restrictions can be overridden allows age restrictions to be overridden in Circulate if checked. If this is not checked then there will be no way to override the age restriction when issuing a resource with an age restriction.
The setting Prevent loans to overdue readers when checked, can be used to stop borrowers who have overdue resources from borrowing more items until they have returned or renewed their overdue items.
The last check-box on the restrictions tab is labelled Remove closed days from fine calculation. This setting enforces the same principal as the Remove closed days from days overdue but this applies to fines instead. If a book is overdue on a Friday and accruing a fine of 10p per open day, the weekends are not counted in the calculation. So in this instance the fine would not increase by 20p over the weekend if they were closed days.
The Minimum fine amount is the value that a fine has to reach before a borrower starts being charged. For instance, if the minimum fine was set to 1.00, only when this amount is exceed will the fine display on a borrowers account.
On the Borrowers tab, you can also define whether Borrower's can renew their own loans by toggling the Allow Borrowers to Renew Loans from My Account. If enabled, this is available from the browser and on the iMLS app. Note that Borrowers cannot renew a loan if it is overdue.
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