This topic discusses everything that is held on the Details tab of a book record card. For information about anything that shows on the other tabs, click on the appropriate links below.
Details, Advanced, Loans, Reservations, Summary/Notes, Photograph, Linked Items, Copies, Floor Plan
The Details tab contains the majority of bibliographic data for a resource, holds information about when it was catalogued and stores the keywords associated with the title. This topic explains the use of each field on the details tab which is split between 3 areas for easier navigation; Bibliographic Data, Keywords and More and Catalogue information.
Click on each of the links below for more information about each area or scroll down the page.
Bibliographic Data
The first three boxes in the bibliographic section are Title, Series and Author:
In the Title field, enter the title of the book. If no book title is entered then the record cannon be saved. This field can contain up to 255 characters. In the series field, enter the series the book belongs to if applicable.
Enter the first author in the Author text box. If a book has multiple authors and it is desirable to add these too, click the and enter the 2nd, 3rd and, 4th Author name if applicable.
Next are the Classification (and colour code), Publisher and Illustrator fields.
Enter the dewey classification number (or classification code from the classification system in use) into the classification field. This field accepts both letters and numbers. For more information about Classifications see the topic Adding and Amending Classifications.
The colour code is automatically generated depending on what classification was entered. For example, the Classification range 000 - 009 could be assigned pink. When a classification number falling into that range is entered then the colour box is automatically populated. For more information about defining colour codes see the topic Classification Colour Codes.
Enter the name of the Publisher into the Publisher text box. Select from the drop down menu or enter the name of the Illustrator (if applicable) into the Illustrator field.
The next fields are the Location, EAN/ISBN, Price, Publication Date and Level.
In the Location field, enter the name of the location where the item is stored. This could be quite general such as "Library" or "LRC" but could also be more specific such as "English Language" or "Fiction Library". All information entered into this field is optional so it can be used however it is required.
The EAN/ISBN is used to store the EAN/ISBN of the book. Normally this is a 13 digit number starting with 978. The EAN/ISBN of a book usually resides on the back or inside cover of a book. Enter the date the book was published into the Publication Date field. Enter the Level of the book into the Level field.
Next are the Media, Edition, Subject and Genre fields.
Enter the books Media into the belonging field. For instance, it might be desirable to enter Paperback or Hardback depending if the book is of that type. To add a new media if not selecting from the list, type it into the box. In the Edition field, enter the appropriate edition the book if desired, this will accept numbers too so both "2nd" and "Second" are accepted.
In the Subject field, enter the subject of the book if necessary, this is another optional field. Use the Genre field to input the genre of the book.
The last 3 fields in the bibliographic section are:
Enter the Owner into the owner field. This may be "School" (or the name of the organisation/school) or is commonly "SLS" / "Schools Library Service" if the book is on loan from the SLS. If the book does belong to the SLS then it is important to enter appropriate information into this field so that when the books are ready to be sent back they can be easily removed.
Check the Fiction tick box if the book is a Fiction resource. Note that if "Fiction" or "Fic" is entered into the Classification field, this is automatically ticked. If the book is a Reference item, make sure the Reference box is ticked.
Tick the Out of Print box if the resource is no longer printed.
Keywords and More
On the right of a resource record card, the Keywords associated with that title are shown. Using the drop down menu, keywords can be selected then clicked to add them to the list of keywords. Alternatively, simply start typing and the list will predict what you are typing similar to Google or other search engines. Once the keyword is located, click Add or press ENTER on the keyboard to add it to the record.
Key-wording resources is not easy but the better the key-wording the more likely people browsing the catalogue are to finding what they are after.
Click on the More... tab to shown further details about the resource.
The RFID field is only used when using the RFID module. This field displays the RFID data associated with the tag which is very similar to the barcode field (a unique number to represent the resource). Enter this into the text box or scan the RFID tag. To remove the value from this field, click Erase.
In the supplier field, enter the name of the supplier, e.g. Waterstones, Peters or wherever the book was supplied from.
In the description field, enter the Physical Description of the book. This is often confused with the Summary field whereas the two have very different purposes. The summary is a synopsis of the book rather than the physical description.
The Missing check box is used to mark the book as missing if it is on loan and has been lost. This check box is only available when the resource is on loan. Paired with the Missing check box is the Reason field. This is used for entering the reason it has been marked as missing. When a Stock Check is completed, this field is entered with the date and name of the stock check.
Catalogue Information
The 3rd area of the book record card shows the date the resource was added, the total amount of copies of that title, the status and date recycled.
The Date Added field displays shows the full date that the resource was added to the catalogue. Note with this field that when a book is first catalogued, this field is not populated with the current date. However, if left empty, when the record is saved it will populate with the current date.
The next box shows the number of Copies for this title. When a resources with the same ISBN is catalogued (either manually or using Copy) the items become linked together. The value in this field cannot be changed, it automatically displays the total amount of copies for the title.
The Status is also automatically generated and non-editable. The status shows whether the book is On Loan, Available, Reserved or Missing.
The Recycled Date is only populated if the book has been removed to the recycle bin. This is automatically entered on the date that the resource was moved to the recycle bin.
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