This topic discusses everything about the Photograph tab of a book record card. For information about anything that shows on the other tabs, click on the appropriate links below.
Details, Advanced, Loans, Reservations, Summary/Notes, Photograph, Linked Items, Copies, Floor Plan
The photograph tab shows the book cover of the resource. If there is no book cover of a resource then the generic image representing a book will display. MLS recommend uploading book covers to resources where Discovery Online has not automatically added one. When a borrower is browsing the catalogue, it is always useful to have a visual aid of the resource and normally, the cover if the first thing that attracts someone to a book.
To upload a new picture to the record, firstly ensure that the cover to upload has been saved somewhere first such as the My Pictures folder. Click the Upload button and select the image file to upload.
To Delete the existing image, click the Delete button.
It is also possible to export the image by clicking the Export button then choosing where to save the picture.
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