This topic discusses everything about the Floor Plan tab of a book record card. For information about anything that shows on the other tabs, click on the appropriate links below.
Details, Advanced, Loans, Reservations, Summary/Notes, Photograph, Linked Items, Copies, Floor Plan
The Floor Plan tab shows the position of the resource in the library from a birds eye view. Before a location can be plotted on the floor plan for an individual resource, the floor plan must first have been created. See the topic Creating a Floor Plan for further details.
·Once on the floor plan tab, click the floor plan drop down menu and select the floor plan to associate with this resource. In this example, the resource resides in the floor plan labelled "Library Floor Plan" so this is selected.
·The Floor Plan will load in the record card. Click anywhere on the map to assign the resource a position on the map. The blip will flash where the mapped was clicked.
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