This topic discusses every field on the Advanced tab of a book record card. For information about anything that shows on the other tabs, click on the appropriate links below.
Details, Advanced, Loans, Reservations, Summary/Notes, Photograph, Linked Items, Copies, Floor Plan
The Advanced tab shows more 'Advanced' information about a resource contrary to the details tab, which stores the bibliographic information such as a resources title, author etc. The areas of the Advanced tab are split between 5 different sections for easy reading:
The Restrictions section on the advanced tab shows the unique restrictions for the resource. The check box Lock Restrictions determines whether the resource is configured to use these unique restrictions. The Restrictions section discusses restrictions in detail but if this check box is ticked then the default restrictions for the resource type are ignored. This can be useful as it may be desirable to have a particular title (perhaps a very popular book) to have a different set of restrictions to the default. For instance, have a shorten loan period.
Note that if the restrictions box is checked, the Loan Period, Maximum Renewals, Maximum Reservations, Maximum Fine and Fine Rate must be configured.
The Minimum Age is the first restriction in the Restrictions section, this setting can be defined irrespective of whether the Lock Restrictions box is checked or not. The minimum age is a setting that can be specified to determine whether a borrower is old enough to borrow a resource. This can be particularly useful to prevent borrowers below a certain year from borrowing a resource. In addition, this only takes effect if the system-wide setting Apply Age Restrictions has been enabled. See the topic Changing Restriction Settings for more information.
The Loan Period is the number of days a book should be issued for. This is used to calculate the day a book is due back.
The Maximum Renewals is the number of renewals a borrower can make on the resource. For instance, if this is set to 2 then a borrower can only renew the item twice before the system prompts that no more renewals are allowed.
The Maximum Reservations is the limit of how many borrowers can reserve the title at one time.
The Maximum Fine is the limit on the amount of money that can be accrued when a resource is overdue. For instance, if the maximum fine is set to 3.00 then when a fine on this book reaches the limit it will not increment further.
The Fine Rate defines how much a fine will be incremented by for each day a book is overdue. For example, if the fine rate is 0.20 and a book is overdue by 3 days, the current fine will be 0.60. If the fine rate was 0.10 then the current fine would be 0.30.
The settings under the Not Allowed To define which year groups and tutor groups can and cannot borrow this resource. This is helpful when a resource has been obtained purely for one year or group. For example, if the resource is only allowed for borrowers in year 9 then all groups apart from those belonging to year 9 can be prevented from borrowing the resource by checking each group apart from the ones that should be allowed. The Select All and Clear All select all years/groups and clear all selected years/groups in the not allowed to box respectively.
Resource Type
The Resource Type section of a record card defines what type of resource the item is. For more information on the available resource types see the topic Resource Types for a list of all available resource types and their use. The Resource Type is entered when a book is first catalogued but if this needs changing (usually when it was catalogued incorrectly) then select the correct one from the list.
In the Resource Type area of a record card there is also the ability to Unlink Resource... What this does is separates this item from all other copies of a resource. Normally, if there are two copies of a resource in the library system with the same ISBN they are linked together. This means that when modifying details of a resource (e.g. the title) they may change for all linked copies. Resource type Linking is also used in other areas such as reservations. In some circumstances this might not be required so the unlink option can be used to separate this title from the other copies so it is independent. This would allow there to be two copies of a resource with the same ISBN but have different fields, such as a different title.
Custom Fields
The Custom Fields section of a resource record is where custom fields associated with a resource can be found. A custom field is a field defined by the user normally because a field does not already exist on the details tab. For example, a "Place of Publication" does not show on the resource record by default so it might be advantageous to set on up so this information can be stored. The picture below shows the Place of Publication in the Custom Fields section.
Accelerated Reader
The Accelerated Reader area of a book record displays the information related to the Accelerated Reader product, provided by Renaissance Learning. Only use these fields if the Accelerated Reader module is being used in the school.
Enter the quiz data about the resource into the appropriate fields.
Site Name
The Site Name box is only applicable if using multiple sites to show a book is located within a different library or 'site'. This topic does not discuss sites but for more information see the topic Site Interfaces Overview. To assign a site to a resource, select the site name from the drop down menu.
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